Thursday, August 9, 2012

Liver Undie

Okay, I'm going to give this a shot one more time. Like Facebook, I tend to blog and then quit, blog and then quit, blog and then quit. So, as I find my hand getting tired trying to keep a "running journal" while also finding that sometimes I want to write about more than just running, I begin again.

As always, I giggle at the fact that my blog is Equal parts gross and funny...just like me.

This journey beings with the following stats: 7 marathons, 10 (ish?) half marathons, multiple relays, one obstacle course (never again) and one sprint tri (also never again). I recently sprained my ankle, so marathon number 8 turned into half marathon number 10. As I recover from the injury I set my sights on the Portland Marathon on Oct 7th and the Lithia Loop Trail Marathon (Ashland, OR) on November 3rd.

Oh, by the way, I moved to Oregon and it's AWESOME.


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