Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Flats Suck and Evening Running

I meant to post yesterday to chat about the sacrifice I've had to make lately for running. It's one which:

  1. I never thought I'd care about making, and
  2. I never thought I'd have to make.
But, here I am....purchasing...flats. Sick.

There is nothing sexy about flats. The word itself isn't even sexy. Nothing like "stiletto" or "peep toe" or...well, "wedge" isn't that hot either, but you get my drift. Women have been wearing heels for ages because they make us look and feel confident, powerful, and I like feeling sexy.

However, because of my recent ankle injury I finally gave in and purchased some flats for work. Thus far, I hate them. But I love running more. That said, flats in running I tend to enjoy. More than uphills and less than downhills (does that make me lazy?) so I guess things even out.

As for the other topic of this post: evening running. So far, it too has given me grief. Unlike morning running, where a wee cup of coffee is sufficient to clear the system and guarantee a comfortable gastrointestinal-distress-free run, evening running takes all the food I ate over the course of the day and liquefies it right around the point at which I am furthest from a toilet.

I digress.

Running today other than the above mentioned issues, was good. An apple seems to be good pre-running fuel (though now that I re-read the previous paragraph maybe it's not?) and I feel strong. My hips are a little sore from the trail-to-road transition, but my ankle feels good.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Devil Bunny

Today I learned a fact: Ice Cream Is Not Good Running Fuel.

I'm not sure why I thought it would be, but before run #2 of the day (I'm breaking up my long runs in hopes that it allows me to get my mileage in while still letting my ankle heal) I decided to eat a good helping of Blue Bunny Neapolitan. Bad. Idea.

Ice Cream burfs (burp + barf) notwithstanding...I decided to try to figure out why. It's likely a combination of the sugar lactose being hard to digest, it being a high-fat food, and the fact that I consumed it about 10 minutes before heading out to run. Having 7 marathons under my belt, you'd think I'd know better?

Just to remind are known "NO" foods in Theresa's running repertoire:

  1. Peanut Butter
  2. Ice Cream
  3. Steel Cut Oats
  4. Beer


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Liver Undie

Okay, I'm going to give this a shot one more time. Like Facebook, I tend to blog and then quit, blog and then quit, blog and then quit. So, as I find my hand getting tired trying to keep a "running journal" while also finding that sometimes I want to write about more than just running, I begin again.

As always, I giggle at the fact that my blog is Equal parts gross and funny...just like me.

This journey beings with the following stats: 7 marathons, 10 (ish?) half marathons, multiple relays, one obstacle course (never again) and one sprint tri (also never again). I recently sprained my ankle, so marathon number 8 turned into half marathon number 10. As I recover from the injury I set my sights on the Portland Marathon on Oct 7th and the Lithia Loop Trail Marathon (Ashland, OR) on November 3rd.

Oh, by the way, I moved to Oregon and it's AWESOME.