Monday, December 24, 2012

Pregnant and Running!

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted, mainly because I've been dealing with the life changes that came along with finding out I'm pregnant! Around mid August we found out we're expecting, and right around Thanksgiving learned it's a little girl. It's kind of turned my world upside-down. My brain doesn't work as well as it used it, and my running has also changed.

I decided to opt-out of the marathons I was signed up for, even though everything I read pointed to it being ok. In truth, I hadn't been training as well for them as I usually would, and I really didn't want to risk anything. While this pregnancy wasn't "planned" it wasn't completely a surprise and either way I didn't want to lose it.

Running during the first trimester was really hard, mainly because I was exhausted! I have been super lucky and didn't get sick at all, but the sheer exhaustion was incredible. Now in my second trimester and starting my 25th week, I've found myself on a day-to-day running plan. Some days I just don't feel up for that due to leg cramps or being tired or too much snow on the ground (I used to love running in the snow!)...and others I feel like my old self. I've been able to keep up 3-5 miles 4-5 times a week, be that running or walking. I try to fill in my non-running days with prenatal yoga, which I highly recommend...I'm increasing the frequency as I learn how much it alleviates the aches and pains of pregnancy.

For the most part though things are great, and for any woman who stumbles across this post looking for advice on whether they can continue running through pregnancy or not I'd say: listen to your body!

Slow it down a little, stay hydrated (think about adding an electrolyte replacement to your water to battle cramping, even for just short runs), and run as long as you can. It's good for you, your husband (if NOT running made you crazy before, adding hormones takes crazy to a whole other level!) and your baby on so many levels.

And...if you're a trail runner...bring TP. If you're anything like me, you'll find out you can no longer make it 4 miles without having to pee :).

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