Monday, January 28, 2013

Pregnant and NOT Running

The girls and I on the Rogue River
Well, I am a slacker when it comes to posting but I'm working on it. I am just over 6 months pregnant, 2 weeks into the third trimester. As if my body has it's own calendar, as the "3rd trimester" mark came I found myself unable to run. I wasn't in pain, I wasn't that much more was just the strange feeling that my insides might fall out. So I've stopped :).

But, I have been walking every day, and doing yoga more. This past weekend I even went for a long hike and went fishing! I suppose I'll have to tone it down at some point, but for now I'm going to keep pushing myself a little and try to stay in great shape. Everything I've read says keeping an exercise routine will make birth and recovery easier, so I'm focusing on that end goal.

I am going to Denver next weekend for a baby shower...can't wait to see family and friends!
At the top of our beautiful hike